Ethics Guidline
AIL – Audio Innovation Lab GmbH
for the use of artificial intelligence (AI) systems
and synthetic and synthesized voices
Status: June 4, 2024
Preliminary remark
AIL – Audio Innovation Lab GmbH (the “Audio Innovation Lab”) is a post-production service provider that uses AI and synthetic or synthesized voices to create language versions of films, series, documentaries and other content. These guidelines are intended to ensure that the use of AI and synthetic or synthesized voices is done in a responsible and ethical manner.
A. Fundamentals
The Audio Innovation Lab is fully committed to the following values in its work with AI: Ethical and cultural sensitivity, protection of personal rights, data protection, non-discrimination, transparency and fairness.
When using AI, the Audio Innovation Lab will always and strictly adhere to all legal, official and other regulatory requirements that apply to it.
The Audio Innovation Lab will contractually agree with the client by default that no work result will be used by it in any way other than contractually agreed by the client and in compliance with all legal, official and other regulatory requirements applicable to it.
B. Relationship with speakers
The Audio Innovation Lab will only synthesize the voices of speakers or people in general and use them as synthesized or synthetic voices for its services for which express consent has been obtained. Audio Innovation Lab will agree the manner, scope and remuneration for the corresponding use of original voices in synthesized or synthetic form with each co-operating voice artist on an individual contract basis. Each contributor is free to choose the scope and duration of the granting of rights and may revoke them for future projects.
C. Internal conduct
This guideline is known to all employees and has been made binding by the management. It is also brought to the attention of all clients and included as a contractual annex to the respective production contracts.
The Audio Innovation Lab endeavors to maintain a continuous exchange on the content and objectives of these guidelines with employees and clients. This is to ensure that these guidelines meet the highest ethical standards.